Going to London around the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee certainly has its advantages (and disadvantages because the traffic was chaos)! The biggest of them was seeing the genius of artists in the windows of sevral shops, especially at Harrods.
As cores predominantes: azul, vermelho e branco mas maravilhosamente misturado com rosa e verde, bem ao estilo Inglês.
The colors were blue, red and white mostly but masterfully mixed with pink and green, faithful to the British style!
Esta montra fez-me sem dúvida lembrar a velha máxima: senhoras que almoçam!
This window reminded me the old saying: ladie's that do lunch!
Não resisti.....I could not resist this one....
Conseguem adivinhar com o que foi construída esta imagem da Rainha? Não? Pois observem bem a fotografia de baixo.....
Can you guess what was used to make this image of the Queen? No? Well, look hard to the photo bellow..... Amazing job!
Mas por estes dias eras também tempo do Chelsea Garden exhibition e apesar de não ter conseguido ir à exposição consegui bem ver as influências do mesmo nas montras das lojas nas ruas circundantes. Apesar de algumas flores já estarem a murchar o trabalho é sem dúvida magnífico! Para o ano tenho de ir à
But these were also the days for the Chelsea Garden exhibition and although I didn't have the time to go and see it, I could really appreciate the influences of it in the surrounding window shops. Some of the flowers were already dying but the work is certainly magnificent! Next year I must make it for the event!
E depois ainda descobri, num outro lado do Harrods, esta mostra de diferentes interpretações da Coroa da Rainha. Cada uma assinada por uma marca diferente. Simplesmente magnífico!
And then, on another side of Harrods, I found this display of different interpretations of the Queen's Crown. Each Crown was done by a different label. Simply magnificent!
Será Sponge cake? Is it Sponge cake?
Já perdi a conta ao número de vezes que fui a Londres, entre passeio e trabalho mas de uma coisa tenho a certeza: nunca vim decepcionada!
I lost count of the number of times I have been to London, between work and turism but of one thing I am pretty sure: I have never returned dissapointed!